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Dan White



Dan White: A grown Up Professional magician with a childlike sense of humor.
Magic has been Dan Whites profession for over 20 years. Is it magic? You may not be able to detect his age, however certainly his experience and skills. You just can‘t unravel the magic, no
matter how close you are too it.

It all began with just 8 years old. The first card tricks, some cut up sheets, a very angry mother, magic kits etc... Since this time, the magic virus has never left Dan White‘s body and soul. He loves nothing more than to astonish people and make them laugh. His career is his hobby, his passion and his life. He was once even Vice Swiss-master of magic, by request will even tell you which year. But such accomplishments never stop him from improving his capabilities. Without rest, he meticulously works on new magical feats and effects. He is always perfecting his art, even
if it will already seem perfect to you. For he truly is a real magican.

Magic and Comedy:
Rarely can a magician unite these two elements as elegantly as Dan White. He loves to laugh himself, but even more to make others laugh themselves. Together with magic, comedy of the
situation, stand-up-comedy, high-level humor, and astonishing illusions he is able to mix a magical potion that captivates all the senses. One must have experienced it, in order to imagine.

Dan White is very optimistic, even his blood type is positive! Fun factor = 100%. And just because your here today, we‘ll give you an extra 20 percent.

Dan‘s magical career summed up in keywords
  • Basic training on the Zurich School of Magic, class no. 1, 1984
  • One year collaboration with a shop specializing in magic
  • Self-taught professional development since 1982
  • Vice Swiss-master of magic
  • Ventriloquism schooling in the USA
  • Director of magic courses
  • 3 year Theater training at the Ilg Mime school in Zurich
  • Further education in various courses in Switzerland and abroad, including Magic, hypnosis,
    mind reading, theater, communication, rhetoric, body language and psychology
  • Further education Theater, comedy, and improvisation.


Book Dan White!

You will never forget him and his Comedy Magic Show. You‘ve heard this before?
well this time it‘s actually true! It‘s gotta be magic.


Magic & Comedy  
Föhrenweg 6
CH-8605 Gutenswil  
Phone: 044 946 44 77  
Mobile: 079 677 48 77

Request a quote
Online contact Form
Call Dan White
and speak with the magician......


Thank you that you like to contact the magician Dan White.
You can reach me by:

PHONE: 044 946 44 77  
MOBILE: 079 677 48 77